Sunday, November 15, 2009


forgive me for the lack of updates... i suppose no news is good news!

justin's physical therapy has been going great. his PT is really pleased with his progress. his sessions were increased from once monthly to biweekly, but because justin is showing such progress and is now a little older and able to do more, his pt recommends we attempt to get her here every week so we can keep up with him. there's so much to do, she'd like to see him more frequently, and i think it would be a great thing.. we're waiting to hear back from early intervention now that i've put the request in.

since my last post, little has changed. zac and i had an encounter with the dreaded swine flu. zac got the worst of it... i may not have even had it, but my dr was nice enough to prescribe me tamiflu the day i woke up feeling like someone had burned a hole in my chest. it wasn't as bad as i expected it to be (even taking care of zac), but it really can linger, and that's the worst part of it all. madi had her first round of the h1n1 shot, so we're hoping we can get her in for the second at justin's 6 month appointment. and so far, the pediatrician has it for kids justin's age... i just hope they have enough by the time we make it in there so he can get it too.

also, not sure if i had mentioned this prior, but our nurse from early intervention had mentioned that she was familiar with a family that has a little girl with spina bifida that only lives about 10 minutes from here. i've heard as much as i really can about this family (hippa regulations and the like), but i told kim (our nurse) to give the mother my phone number if she was interested in talking/sharing her story. last sunday night, she called me. unfortunately, i missed her call because i was at my mom's house, but she called me the next morning too. we ended up talking for about an hour on the phone.. never expected that. i hate talking on the phone to begin with, but it was pretty shocking to talk with a stranger for over an hour. all in all, it was such a breath of fresh air. it was so nice to talk to someone that has been there and knows what you're going through. i'll never forget, during the first few days of justin's birth, there were two social workers who had stopped by to visit us and kind of guide us throughout all of it, and their best suggestion was for me to find a mom with a child that is affected by spina bifida so i'd have someone to bond with. i knew it was a great suggestion from the beginning, but talking to this mother just confirmed it. i never expected to hang up the phone and feel like i'd known someone for years and i've never even seen her in person. to be able to bond with someone over the trials and tribulations of the dreaded diagnosis and possibilities is just amazing.. i could've never asked for a better person to bond with. i haven't even met this woman and i can just tell... there is something special about her. she was so inspiring. she was very positive and happy. the excitement in her voice was more than most would expect. she has a very strong 3 yr old daughter who has been through a lot, and she just seems to be the type of person who has held it together through most of her daughter's setbacks.

for those of you who follow my blog and are new moms to a child with SB, i cannot tell you how quickly to get your early intervention process started.. not only for the great care a great PT can provide and the services they can suggest to help you and your little ones along, but if any of them can find a friend for you to learn and grow from... by all means, go for it. i was nervous at first when this woman called me.. i probably wouldn't have called her back on my own, because i'm kind of shy, wouldn't know what to expect, wouldn't know what to say, how to start the conversation, etc.. but thank god she called me back the next day. i absolutely loved to talk to her, and we already have plans to meet at a meeting and/or christmas party offered through the program justin's involved in.

today, justin and madi met with santa and mrs. claus!! it was so cute! i took a few pictures at home and i took a few while they were sitting on their lap, but unfortunately the pictures with santa and mrs. claus are at an angle. i will post the "good" pictures the open house took once we receive them. but it was so cute, mrs. claus just held justin and they stared at each other.. it was so awesome. justin loves red, so i'm sure he was excited about seeing all of that red on a tiny little lady. madi did better than i expected. i'm pretty sure she cried last year to meet santa, but she was SO excited to see him this year. she marched right on up to his lap and sat on him like they were old friends. she got kinda shy when he was asking her what she wanted for christmas, but she claims she can't tell us what she asked for because it's a surprise.

tonight was the benefit for bev and steve, and the turnout was AWESOME. i was so surprised at how many people were able to make it. i'm so glad it was a great turnout for bev and steve.. it was nice to see the family too. i have a few pictures from there that i'll upload when i get time.

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